Back To School !
Assalamualaikum to all my dear readers, followers and my precious visitors. Are you all ready for B A C K T O S C H O O L ! Look like I'am feel excited for go to school next week/tomorrow ..NGEE =D Of course I feel excited lah , cause I miss my teacher, my studying, my friend and cause I already prepare my school stuff..Hihi ..=) This picture/cartoon made from my friend sister's, Thanks for this, Umi =) Maybe, next week I'll go from 1 Cekap (D) to 1 Cendikiawan (A) ..InsyaAllah By The Way, now allow me to upload my new school stuff =D My new folio for my project, my new pencil it's FABER CASTELL ♥ I forgot to snap my new eraser it's FABER CASTELL ♥ ..=) I ♥ FABER CASTELL stuff .. This is my new timetable made by my sister ( Kak Zahra ) Nice, right? I ♥ it very much! But, still jealous with my litt...