the weirdest thing these days

Isn't it weird when people these days ask a girl that change from sexy to fully covering her aurah??
Isn't it weird when people these days don't care when a girl wearing a hijab with legging??

and isn't it weird when people these days don't care if its a sin but care if other people could accept it??

      Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.. ^^ *don't forget to answer my salaam.. Insya-Allah you'll get reward from Allah The Almighty~*

        People these days are so weird I guess.. Especially those of the same religion with us.. They don't care if its a sin,, but they care if other people don't accept or agree with it.. Actually,, we live on this world is to impress who?? Those people without any knowledge of Islam or those people with any knowledge of Islam or our one and only Lord of this world??
    Think again.. Who create us?? Who giving us the knowledge?? Letting us breathe freely on this Earth?? Giving us sustenance to live??

Yes,, the only answer that we could give is Allah subhanahu wata'ala..

           But why we still don't follow His Guidance?? Why we always giving lots of excuses??  Why?? We know it is wrong but we still do it.. Why??
    I didn't say I am a good girl nor bad girl.. We are only human,, everyone makes mistake.. That's why Allah create remembrance,, so we can remind each other.. 
    So,, why do we criticize someone when she change from wearing clothes that expose her aurah?? And why do we just stay still like a doll when she wearing a hijab and legging to go out?? 

Well,, its not too late to look back and repent to Allah..

May Allah bless all of us and may we return to the right path~ 

Credits to: My sister *Zarifah Haji Zulkiflee 
Thanks kak Dila,
Kak Dila kakak pling comel sedunia..^^


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