English Fest

Assalamualaikum and a very good evening..
Oh, ya! I know long time I did't make a new entry for my blog,
Cause I really busy with my activity at school and home..
I'm really really sorry about that..:)

Ok, back to the topic..
Yesterday I was came to English Fest at SMK Kabogan 1..
It's really cool and I got a new experience too..:D
Oh, ya in the journey goes to SMK Kabogan 1,
We have lost too, it's funny..But, I think it's a instruction to us,

Cause if you wanna go somewhere,
Just go and do not stop,
Cause if you do like that,
You all will get the same problem like us (me and my friends)..

Then, I was register oneself to join decorate a cupcake,
At  my school..and for the year 6 student this year,
Study smart, Insya-Allah if you do like that you will succes..:)
But, don't forget to pray with Allah too..;)
Hope you will succes, I'll pray for you all..

Ok, that's all for today,
Sorry, my entry too short..
But, I hope you like it..BYE..:)


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